
  1. Week 1
    1. LTI Systems
      1. LTI Systems
      2. Linearity
      3. Time-Invariance
      4. Time-Domain Behavior
      5. Frequency-Domain Behavior
    1. Week 2
        1. Infinite Duration Impulse Response
        2. Basic Circuits
        3. Decomposition of Signals
        4. Inner Products and Fourier Series
      1. Week 3
          1. Discrete Fourier Series
          2. Examples
        1. Week 4
            1. Continuous-time Fourier Series
            2. FS Examples
            3. Approximations
            4. DTFT
            5. DTFT Examples
          1. Week 5
              1. DTFT of Complex Exponentials
              2. Circular Convolution
              3. CTFT
            1. Week 6
                1. Useful Concepts for AM
                2. Amplitude Modulation - Sending
                3. Amplitude Modulation - Receiving
                4. Quadrature Multiplexing
                5. Large Carrier AM
                6. Frequency Division Multiplexing
              1. Week 7
                1. Sampling
                  1. Sampling using a pulse train
                  2. Ideal Sampling with an impulse train
                2. Aliasing
                  1. The Carriage Wheel Effect
                  2. Anti-Aliasing
                  3. Example
                1. Week 8
                    1. Overview of Sampling
                    2. Time Domain Representation of a Low Pass Filter
                  1. Week 9
                    1. Sampling
                      1. Relations in Sampling
                    2. Z-Transforms
                      1. Why use Z-Transforms
                      2. Right and Left-sided Functions
                      3. The Z-Transform
                      4. Examples
                    1. Week 10
                        1. Region of Convergence
                        2. Two-sided signals
                        3. Poles and Zeros
                        4. Rational Z-Transforms
                        5. Relation to Fourier Transform
                        6. BIBO Stability and the RoC
                        7. Systems in Cascade
                        8. Shifting Property
                        9. A recursive example
                      1. Week 11
                        1. Properties of the Z-transform
                          1. Modulation by Complex Exponentials
                          2. Time Reversal
                          3. Trigonometric Example
                          4. Differentiation in the Z Domain
                          5. Dilation
                          6. Initial Value Theorem
                          7. Inverse Transforms
                        1. Week 12
                            1. Partial Fraction Decomposition
                          1. Week 13
                              1. Steady-State
                              2. Summary of Z-Transforms
                            1. Week 14
                                1. Zero-State and Zero-Input Responses of LTI Systems
                                2. The Laplace Transform
                                3. The Shifting Property
                                4. Stability
                                5. Trigonometric Toneburst
                                6. Convolution in Time
                                7. Integration in the Time Domain
                                8. Differentiation in the Time Domain
                                9. Multiplication by Complex Exponential
                              1. Week 15
                                  1. More on the Differentiation Property
                                  2. Frequency Differentiation
                                  3. Rational Laplace Transforms
                                  4. Generalized Differentiation
                                  5. Example
                                  6. Steady State and Transient Responses of CT-LTI Systems
                                  7. Example DC Motor
                                  8. Summary of Laplace Transforms