
  1. Week 1
    1. Signals
      1. Continous-Time Signals
      2. Discrete-Time Signals
      3. Analog Signals
      4. Digital Signals
    1. Systems
    2. Kronecker Delta
  2. Week 2
    1. Complex Numbers
      1. Cartesian Representation
      2. Polar Representation
      3. Complex Conjugate
      4. Choosing a Representation
      5. Useful Information
      6. Polar Representation Ambiquity
      7. The Imaginary Unit
      8. Derivatives of Complex Exponentials
      9. Converting Betweeen Representations
    2. The Complex Exponential
      1. Exponentials as Vectors
      2. Eulers Formula
      3. Radial Frequency
      4. Derivatives
    1. Signals to Decompose Signals
  3. Week 3
    1. Properties of Systems
      1. Linearity
      2. ZIZO
      3. Time Invariance
    1. Week 4
        1. Linear Time-Invariant Systems
        2. Convolution
        3. Frequency Response
        4. Additional Problems
        5. Filters
      1. Week 5
          1. LPFs and HPFs
        1. Week 6
          1. Discussion
            1. Comb Filter
            2. Notch Filter
          1. Difference Equations
          2. Dirac Delta
          3. Dirac Delta and Unit Step
          4. LTI Systems and their impulse responses
          5. Strongly-Peaked Functions
          6. CT Frequency Response
        2. Week 7
          1. Interconnections of LTI Systems
            1. Parallel
            2. Cascade (series)
            3. Feedback
          1. Frequency response of CT-LTI Systems
          2. Discussion
        3. Week 8
            1. Feedback Systems
            2. Inverse Systems
            3. Causality
            4. Discussion
            5. Review
          1. Week 9
              1. Memory in Systems
              2. BIBO Stability
              3. LTI Systems and BIBO Stability
              4. Implications of BIBO for Frequency Response
            1. Week 10
              1. Fourier Analysis
                1. Basics and Overview
                2. Signals as Vectors
                3. Harmonic Relations and Frequency Content
                4. Periodicity
                5. Discrete Fourier Series
              1. Week 11
                  1. Spectral Coefficients
                  2. Discussion
                1. Week 12
                    1. Continuous-Time Fourier Series
                    2. Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
                  1. Week 13
                    1. Properties of the DTFT
                      1. Translation - Time-Shifting
                      2. Frequency-Shifting
                      3. Time-Reversal
                      4. Conjugation
                      5. Complex Exponential
                      6. Convolution
                    2. DT-LTI Systems
                      1. Causal LCCDEs
                      2. Delay-Adder-Gain Block Diagrams
                      3. Rational DTFTs
                      4. Differentiation in Frequency Domain
                    3. Discussion
                      1. Conjugate Symmetry
                      2. Signals of Even Functions
                      3. Signals of Odd Functions
                      4. Additional Problems
                    1. Week 14
                      1. CTFT
                        1. Continous-Time Fourier Transform
                      2. Amplitude Modulation
                        1. Modulation Property of CTFT
                        2. Complex Exponential Carrier
                        3. Sinusoidal Carriers
                      3. Discussion
                        1. CTFT Time-Shifting
                        2. CTFT Duality
                        3. CTFT Frequency Shifting